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10 greenlights of an eligible bachelor

These days, everyone is yapping about the Red and the Green flags.

Sincerely though, there are 10 things you need to look for in a guy, and if he has at least 7, trust me, he’s a good guy, and can probably make a great boyfriend, father or husband.

Brought up by a Single Parent:  This kind of guy usually has immense respect for women, and will certainly be a man who doesn’t let his lady go through what his mom went through.  One brought up by a dad too is great, but those don’t exist, cos’ men usually let those kids be raised by their grandmothers or stepmoms.

Has been single for a long while:  Is he the kind of guy who doesn’t jump from one relationship to another?  A guy who has been single for a while, lives alone and doesn’t jump from one relationship to another is pretty grown, mature and knows what he wants.

Went to boarding school:  Kenyan boarding schools in particular have a way of instilling a special form of discipline and responsibility that carries you through life.

A Man of God:  A guy who believes in a Higher Power has morals, integrity and purpose.  However, be wary of the super religious guys cos’ those are more cultic and usually hypocritical.

Has and has held a job for a while - or runs a business:  A good man has to have a job.  One capable of holding a job for a long time, or runs his own business, is man who can fend for himself, you, and a probable family.

Is close to his mom:  This isn’t the mama’s boy kind of guy.  We’re talking the kind of guy who is close to his mom, they talk often, talks about her, checks up on her, supports her (financially) when necessary.  He’ll sure be a keeper.

Has Worthy Friends:  He has good company, very likely he’s a great guy.  Has a bad selection of friends, so is he.  It’s that simple.

A Reader:  You can trust that a man who reads is intelligent, and intelligence is so damn sexy. This gives him a wide perspective of the world and situations and never has a backward or shallow way of thinking.  He qualifies as a reader if he has a selection of books…not just one, like The Bible.

The Average Kind:  In simpler terms; he’s not flashy.  Doesn’t drive the best car, own the latest phone, knows how to piga luku, do manicures, takes selfies with expensive alcohol… In case you didn’t know, flashy guys are the most broke.

Has hobbies:  Hanging out with the boys drinking beer and eating nyama choma is no hobby.  The end result for this is alcoholism.  Find a guy who is more adventurous than a bore; someone with things going on outside his job and home, and is never afraid to try new things.


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