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What some call loyal, others think of as naïvety...because I've been stuck in the same organization I interned at over a decade ago. As much as I may lack the experience on how other organizations roll, these 10 apply to all. Right?

Salary:  No matter how smarter, better educated, more experienced and skilled a female employee is, male colleagues in the same level or at times lower earn more.

Degree:  You are more likely to get hired for a job if you have a degree, but that job will be most probably have 0% relation to whatever you specialized in in school.

Connections are everything:  Education background and experience aside, without connections, you are as good as a beggar on the street…especially in government related offices.

Looks:  Good looking people get better treatment, have less workload, enjoy a higher pay, are first to get promoted and less likely to get fired.

Foreign Grads:  Employees who schooled abroad, even for a substandard certificate and at a substandard college, make more than fellows with quality education from Kenyan schools.

Pay Check:  What you take home at the end of the month isn’t primarily based on your skills and capabilities but rather your negotiation skills.

Work Load:  Handworkers and kiss asses get punished with more work and no raise or promotion while lazies sit back, relax and wait for the hours and days to go by and be paid.

Work Friends: The people you work with are never your friends.  Don’t be surprised when your work wife or husband snitches on you, sets you up and backstabs you at any moment to get ahead.

Dating:  Dating a co-worker is exciting, dangerous and all cute, especially if it’s discouraged, but, it’s 100% guaranteed to screw up your career.  It never ends well for anyone.

Middle class for life:  Your employer will only pay you enough to get by.  A majority of your salary will go to bills, some to taxes, little to telling your body thank-you and very little if ever to savings/investments. You'll never get rich working an 8 to 5.


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