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I re-posted a photo of me and my boss, him hugging me closely by the shoulders and with that white people grin on his face, captioned, ‘At Euro-Afrikah, we are all One Big Family

I have never had a photo of me liked and commented on as much.  My inbox too was blasting with messages!!!

My stint, if I should call it that, at Euro-Afrikah, lasted less than a year.

For me, it’s all about the money.  Paying me poorly is a reflection of what you think of me: that I’m not smart enough, my work isn’t that pleasing, my education background must be mediocre, that my skills are lackluster, my experience a joke, my desire to be paid fairly laughable.

During those 10 months, I had people close to me treat me so very well which I later came to learn was because I worked for a big company whose offices were at a very high-end area and well, sorry to say, most of my colleagues had colonialist blood.

Then, my opinions were valued.  My company ever requested.  My jokes always rib cracking.  My style ever admired.  My choice of music and film always copied.  My presence always appreciated.  My phone ever buzzing…

Wait till they heard I was out and was delving into online business. 

Nobody wanted to hang out with a loser anymore, a loser who couldn’t hold on a job and had lied about being let go.  Now, I’d be cut off mid-sentence when giving an opinion.  Before, I had people tell me I could do stand-up comedy.  Now, nobody was laughing at my killer jokes.  ‘Is that what you’re wearing’ replaced the ‘How do you think this looks on me?’  My phone was no longer buzzing.  No texts either.  In fact, my calls and messages to the old gang of friends and family went unanswered.  I suppose they had an inkling that I would be begging for alms and didn’t know how to say No.

My presence at home was no longer looked forward to.  Meetings would start whether or not I was present.  The parents and I were so close that we’d talk every other day.  Not anymore.  It was I that did the calling.  Calls would last less than a minute after 'Hello, How’re you Doing, Did you Get a Job, Are you Sending out CVs, Maybe you should move in with your brother and start helping them out with the kids…

When they’d call, first thing they’d ask is if they’d woken me up, or if I was still sleeping, and if I could do them a favor of running an errand.

Later on, business started picking and I needed a boost, a financial boost, and whoever I went to turned me down, because they all thought it was a ploy to siphon notes from their wallets.  When I made clear it was an investment set to be paid back with interest in a few months, I was told, only if I was willing to give up 50% stake of my business, and they needed to see my performance records.  Talking all Big like I was in Shark Tank...  One further told me they earn a higher interest elsewhere so unless I was willing to promise them a 30% interest, my hustle wasn't worth investing in..

You should see the looks they gave me when I showed at the after work hangout.  I, clad in my flat doll shoes, rugged jeans, simple tee and afro hair whereas the ladies were all in shiny stilettos and figure hugging dresses and skirts, long manicured nails and human hair wigs. I had thought these were my people; my friends, but, listening and watching them at close-up told me ‘Nah, Girl, this isn’t your world anymore.’

From white to blue collar, I was shed off like an old snake’s skin and became a pariah.  To them, it was evident that something must be wrong with me.  Like seriously, how hard is it to find a job and hold it down?  You know what?  If someone can’t commit to a job, how then can they commit to a relationship? 

I forgot to mention, the boyfriend also ditched me.

Today, I met a group of them at the mall.  Two of them coupled up and were celebrating the engagement.  They darted their pitiful looks upon me and said it was a surprise, otherwise they could have told me.  A surprise involving 5 guys?


"I would love to have you as my bridesmaid." The lady tells me.

"What are you doing here anyway?  You work in one of the shops?"  Another asks.

"If you’re done, we can give you a lift and maybe hang out at your place like the old times."

One pinches her, the kind of warning pinch to tell her that there’s no way I can still afford to live where I used to.

"Actually, I own one of the shops.  I was just dropping some stuff off for restocking." I let them know.

"Ooh, wow, really? That’s awesome!"

"You should have told us we help promote you."

I smile.

"That’s calls for a double celebration then, join us!"

"No, I’m good.  I have more errands to run.  It was nice meeting you’ll though.  Congratulations on the engagement."  I tell them as I walk off to the Pay Station, they behind.

As I collect my Pay Coin from the machine, the lady getting married adds,

"You know what, I would love for you to help me import my wedding gown…since you’re now such as a Big Shot in online business."

Suddenly, I’m back in.  I’m smart, I'm interesting and I'm funny.  People recognize me, they’re feel comfortable around me, they like me, when they need someone to talk to, they come and sit next to me…

At the back of their heads, though the disrespect is gone, the whispers’ remain, that maybe, well, not maybe but obviously, there must be a sponsor behind it all.



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