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Analyze This:

It’s Friday evening.  You and your girls’ hit the club, you meet this awesome guy who sends a drink to your table and you spend the rest of the night chatting...maybe.

Later, you take an Uber to his place, but he warns you to be quiet cos’ he has a roommate who also happens to be a staunch Christian.

In the morning, you can’t find your clothes cos’ the roommate picked them up and washed them.

Did I mention the roommate is your guy’s mother?

She also has made you breakfast and asks very intrusive personal questions.

Later, she insists on driving you home to ensure you get there safe…and physically hand you over to your parents.


I’ve watched several Morning After short films from across the world but this one, by Brian Munene and featuring Foi Wambui and Charlie Karumi is the absolute best.


Two things though - the guys' bed was spread out with a leso on top of the sheets (an act common among some married women meaning this was a married woman's bed) and, his cursing; 's***t' was too much and so very annoying to the ear. Ooh, and how can clothes washed early in the morning be dried out at 7:00am?


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